Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Why you should vinyl while designing corridor flooring

Corridor is the part of most of the buildings. In schools it connects all the classrooms, in hospital it provides pathway for visitors, stretchers, and wheelchairs, in offices, multiple departments can be accessed through this long running space. A corridor can be outside or inside the building. It is the first thing that visitors notice when they walk into your establishment.

To design corridor flooring one can choose from marble, stones or wood. But if you want something that is cost effective and long running then one can go with vinyl flooring. These modern products have a lot of advantages over the traditional ones. Let’s find out some of them –

Easy cleanable 

Corridor is the busiest part of an establishment. Visitors come in and out of their rooms, offices and wards frequently. Shoe stains, dust, dirt and garbage make the floor prone to lose its shine. But modern vinyl flooring is easily cleanable using soap and water. The problem of stains permanently leaving a mark on the surface is gone when corridor flooring uses vinyl.

Resistant to static electricity generation

Constant moment on wood and stones causes static electricity that causes shocks and damages equipment. The need for anti static vinyl flooring is very high and establishments like hospitals and hospitality units are constantly searching for one. Keeping floors resistant to automatically generated electricity proves beneficial for these establishments.

Resistant to rust, scratches and damage

While it is advantageous to have anti static vinyl flooring it also proves to be the best idea when you need to have a material that doesn’t rust, or loses its shine to scratches and damage. The life of the vinyl flooring is longer compared to its counterparts. Not going through the burden of revamping the flooring for 10 to 12 years proves really cost effective in long run.